Smart home features – what's worth the investment?

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the concept of a smart home has gone from a futuristic dream to an attainable reality. Smart home features are revolutionizing the way we live, bringing convenience, efficiency and a touch of luxury to our daily routines. However, with several options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which smart home investments are truly worth it.

Smart thermostats

Traditional thermostats are becoming obsolete with the emergence of smart thermostats like the Nest Learning Thermostat and Ecobee. These devices adapt to your routine, learning your preferred temperatures and adjusting them automatically. They can also be controlled remotely through smartphone apps, allowing you to save energy and money by adjusting the temperature when you're away from home. While some of the leading brands can be expensive, there are more affordable options hitting the market every day. Check out Amazon to see some options that cost less than $100 and could help you save even more on your utility expenses.

Home security systems

Investing in a smart home security system is a decision you won't regret. Modern systems offer features like real-time video monitoring, motion sensors, doorbell cameras and facial recognition. With the ability to remotely monitor and control your home's security, you can enjoy peace of mind whether you're at work, on vacation or relaxing at home. The best part of smart security systems is that you can manage them. By starting small with one camera and then adding more pieces over time, you can create a security network that both meets your needs and fits your budget. If you’re interested in buying a home security system, check your favorite retailers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Oftentimes, they’ll run specials on bundle packages around the holidays.

Smart lighting

Gone are the days of manually flipping switches. Smart lighting systems – like Philips Hue and Lutron Caséta, enable you to control the brightness, color and scheduling of your lights through voice commands or smartphone apps. Not only does this allow for easy customization of ambiance, but it also contributes to energy conservation.

Smart appliances

If budget isn’t a major concern for you, then you may want to dive into the world of smart appliances. From smart refrigerators that can create shopping lists to ovens that can be preheated remotely, smart appliances are changing the way we interact with our kitchen. These appliances offer convenience, energy efficiency and advanced features that simplify daily tasks.

Smart locks

Have kids who often get locked out or family that comes to visit? Say goodbye to fumbling for your keys with smart locks. These locks can be controlled through your smartphone, allowing you to lock and unlock your doors remotely, provide temporary access to guests, and send alerts when someone enters or exits your home. There are several different levels of smart locks available on the market, meaning there is likely one that is available at your budget level!

Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Traditional smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential, but smart versions take safety a step further. They can send alerts to your phone in case of emergencies, allowing you to take swift action even if you're not at home. This can provide a lot of peace of mind to families who leave their animals at home during the day or who have older children at home for a few hours between school letting out and the end of the workday. Even if you invest in smart detectors, it’s important to still check them regularly and have backup plans in mind.

While the initial investment may seem daunting, the long-term benefits in terms of convenience, energy savings, security and even potential property value increase make it a worthwhile purchase.

As you embark on your smart home journey, remember to assess your needs, prioritize your preferences and gradually build a connected ecosystem that best suits your lifestyle.


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